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Don't Get Too Caught Up, Or You Might Not Get "Caught Up"

Long time, no see huh? I have been extremely busy this past month, too busy for the things most important in my life. I have slacked on my relationship with God, my family, my fiance and my academics. So what was I so caught up in, if those things are the most important? The answer is myself.

Lately, I have been having numerous pity parties with me, myself and I. There have been a lot of situations and unwanted circumstances, that have left me wondering "why me". I have therefore focused on all the negativity that I have been surrounded with and how I can fix the situations that I am in. Unfortunately, I have no control over 95% of the things occurring in my life but I put most of my time into those situations. I have therefore slacked on prayer and reading my word, staying in contact with family, friends, my fiance, and education. I have been in grumpy moods, having attitudes and ultimately have become bitter. Now, I'm not saying I hate the world, but I am being real. I have allowed my circumstances to change me for the worse and I am not happy about it.

We cannot allow the busyness of life to distract us from the things most important in our lives. We can't continue to live our lives feeling bad for ourselves and wanting others to feel bad for us. It gets you absolutely nowhere. For my believers, you have to put your trust in the Master's hands. There is no problem too big for God. When you feel that you are at your lowest point in life, look up. We have to stop worrying about the things we cannot control, it doesn't help us progress but it most certainly puts  us a few steps backward. I personally apologize to those followers who were actually waiting for me to post a blog. I apologize to my friends, family, fiance and others for not staying in contact like I should have. Last but certainly not least, I want to apologize to my maker. I've learned that God trusts me enough to give me these issues and he puts me in these different situations because he believes that I can handle them. I sometimes wish he didn't trust me so much, but I am grateful. Don't get too caught up in the things of this life, that you forget the one who gave you life. Remember he wasn't too busy to die for you.

  • Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
  • Psalms 37:5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass
  • 1 John 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever

God Bless.

"If you're too busy for God, You're too busy"


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