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Showing posts from January, 2018

Overcoming Resentment

Hi Guys! Welcome back and welcome to my first time visitors. I am so glad you stopped by! I have been struggling with this topic myself for awhile. As I was studying and praying on how I could overcome the hurt from others that has caused me to be resentful, I thought it may be helpful for some of my viewers to hear what I have learned on this topic. I am going to share 3 things that I believe will help you overcome resentment. While they may seem simple and cliche, they are still challenging and will require intentionality on your behalf and effort. Please check out my video for an in depth discussion on these points.  Self Reflection: What is my root? I believe that bitterness and resentment are closely related. The bible describes bitterness as "root of bitterness" (Hebrews 12:15). When reading that verse in the New Living Translation, it reads "poisonous root of bitterness". Many of us understand the purpose of a root, a root is the anchor to the plant...